Skin Tag Removal
Skin tags are small, usually harmless (benign) growths on the skin composed of blood vessels and collagen. Skin tags are very common and typically occur after midlife. They can be irritating, so if you have one, you may be considering removal. Skin tags are usually painless. However, they may be irritated from rubbing by clothing or other materials. Skin tags are thought to occur from skin rubbing against skin, so they commonly form in skin folds. Some individuals may be more prone to tags (greater than 50-100 tags) either through increased weight, heredity, or other unknown causes. Males and females are equally prone to developing skin tags.
What are the symptoms of skin tags?
The only symptom of skin tags is a growth on the skin. The growth, or tag, is usually small, although some may be up to a half-inch long. They can be located on the neck, armpits, trunk, body folds, or other areas. They are usually skin-colored, and occasionally darker.
What is the treatment for skin tags?
We will complete an evaluation and determine the appropriate number of skin tags that can be removed in one visit. A topical treatment may be applied to ease any minor bleeding. Any skin tags that include an infected area should first be treated medically to resolve the infection prior to skin tag removal.